The 3 Key Elements of a Home Theater System

If you’re preparing to build a home theater system, you’ve likely already been confronted with an overwhelming number of options. Whether it’s projectors, screens, sound systems, or lighting, there are a number of considerations to make. By choosing the right elements, you can create the ideal space in your home. 

How is a home theater different from my living room setup?

What sets a good home theater system apart from your basic living room television setup? A home theater is a bespoke space that is custom-tailored. It is designed to give you the same sense of immersion that you feel in a commercial movie theater. Unlike a typical living room, a home theater is optimized specifically for viewing movies or other media. It is created to deliver an experience close to that of a “real” cinema. Even better, building a home theater gives you the opportunity to create a space that is unique to you. 

„the resulting theater experience is that we don’t feel like we’re watching a movie anymore. We feel like we’re in the movie.“ – George Walter, President of Rayva

At Rayva, our trusted partner for home theater design, the experience rather than the technology is the focus of a home theater. George Walter remarks “we’re getting closer and closer to where all colors, all sounds, everything is reproduced exactly like we see it in real life. And the resulting theater experience is that we don’t feel like we’re watching a movie anymore. We feel like we’re in the movie. It’s a completely immersive experience.“

Below, we’ll guide you through the 3 key elements creating the immersive experience a good home theater should deliver.

1.  Accurate, high-definition sound

Arguably the most important element in your new home theater, acoustics can make or break the experience. A good sound system should make you feel like you’re truly surrounded by the action. You’ll want to hear every element in the film’s soundtrack, every line of dialogue with as much clarity as possible. TSP Smart Spaces integrates trusted technology from Amina, Savant, TDG Audio and Artcoustic to ensure that you can enjoy your cinematic experience the way it was meant to be heard. 

A good sound system goes beyond having great speakers. An acoustically-treated room with absorbers, diffusers, and bass traps can increase the performance of a set of speakers by as much as 75%.* 

„The artists and technicians meant for the viewer to not only hear them but to feel them. Volume and dynamics add energy and excitement but for me, the ability to recreate the intended subtleties is the mark of a truly excellent home theater.“ – Chris Feterowski, Build Technician

2. No distractions

Great films are often defined by the details. The best way to take the details in is to experience the film with as few distractions as possible. The last thing you want when the lights dim and the film starts is to hear the distant sound of your neighbor’s lawnmower or to be distracted by a competing visual element in the room. Whether it’s blackout window shades or eliminating windows altogether during your design phase, the ability to have precise control over ambient light is key here. You’ll want to be able to take in the subtleties that you might otherwise miss in a typical home viewing.

“If you’re investing in a proper home-theater, all decisions should reflect the room’s intention. Creating the best possible space to experience audio/visual entertainment. Adhering to the room’s intention means choosing elements that don’t detract from the enjoyment of it.” – Aaron Stallings, Director of Smart Spaces

3. Superior image quality

A typical everyday consumer tends to purchase whichever projector or screen fits into their existing living room setup. In the case of a custom home theater, however, you have the opportunity to do the opposite: to build the space around the right equipment.  

Start planning your home theater today

Working with the right smart space automation installer, you can ensure that once you have these 3 elements, you’ll have a stellar home theater system. TSP Smart Spaces can help you strike the right balance between sound, visuals, and fine interior design. We’ll help you create a space that both delivers an exceptional technical experience and looks polished. Using our Design, Build, Support philosophy, we’ll guide you through the entire process from conception to construction, and continue to provide you with technical support after the final product is finished. Contact us to get started!

*source – George Walter, President of Rayva

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